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The Price of Victory
Part I - Quelling a Rebellion
The cycle is 1872 C.E. and a Commanding Triumvirate of the Sian Dereta class
ship - Moltok, are on route to the planet Paternia. Relatively small and insignificant,
however, it served as an important outpost for the Master's Empire's outlying
colonies. They have received reports that there were rumors of rebellion within
the planet's governorship. At this time of war with the once thought destroyed
Invid such a crisis is unforgivable in the Empire. The Zorrlev'dra Gisterae
had commanded a squadron from the 217th Fleet into action. The ongoing war with
the Invid had shrunk the squadron to a mere 30 ships, the Moltok being the only
one solely controlled by Tiroleans. The other ships run by loyal Zentraedi.
"My lords we have a report coming back from our scout ships." Reported
the Operations Triumvirate. "Display the message
" the Commanders
barked in perfect unison. The image blinked and showed a powerful Zentraedi
Captain, his features revealing quite a few scars, more than likely from battle.
"Report!" Citar commanded. The first of the Commanders he stood like
his brothers tall and proud, with long blue hair with a trace of a beard showing
on his face. All three wore the identical Tiresian attire still worn by the
Masters military elite. "It appears that there is no protoculture activity
at all on the surface, there is some sort of energy barrier around Prime City.
just a moment
" In the background alarms and klaxons began
wailing. "High level energy readings begin evasive maneuvers!!!" The
transmission was cut, but not before the battlefortress' main viewer saw fire
render the Zentraedi ship and all aboard to sub atomic particles. Alarms sounded
as well on the Moltok. "What happened?" X'del asked. "Reflex
cannon fired from the planet's atmosphere, both scout ships destroyed. We are
detecting one vessel launching into orbit. It is a Zentraedi Quiltra Queleual,
heavily modified." Pausing for a moment to look at their scanning screen
they continued. "Multiple targets are now being released, they are Zentraedi
Nousjadeul-Ger!" The clones reported in as much shock as the rest of bridge
"Impossible!!! How could this be???" Loxar asked. "Inform the
Zentraedi they may proceed to attack
order them to destroy these traitors."
X'del commanded. "Do not destroy the ship, cripple it and leave it adrift,
we need to know who is behind this rebellion. Citar added. Battlepods launched
from all launch bays, outnumbering the traitors 50 to 1 in seconds. Death reined
supreme as the main viewer lit up with brilliant flashes of light that were
the explosions of the distant dogfight. The outcome of the battle had no doubt.
The overwhelming number of Regults began taking apart the attack squadrons of
male power armors from the rogue ship. "Signal the Rineundaou Lojeumean
to fire it's reflex cannon off pitch thirty radii, that will be efficient enough
to cripple the enemy vessel." Loxar ordered after consulting with his brothers.
The Zentraedi monitor advanced and it's bow parted as the reflex cannon began
charging up. In seconds it released a volley towards the traitorous ship, tearing
open its belly to the vacuum and wounding it critically. The crew was silent
as many emotions were non-existent, however the Zentraedi could be heard yelling
out a victorious battle cry. "Lords, enemy units retreating to the planet's
surface." This was the obvious report told by the operations triumvirate.
"Recall all Regult battlepods, inform all ships to lock on a target and
fire!" X'del ordered with a hint of satisfaction. With terrible accuracy
and deadly precision the ships opened their batteries on the fleeing rebel mecha,
annihilating them easily. In the space of a few microns the retreating forces
were destroyed and the squadron had surrounded the wounded ship. Regults took
positions around the ship as a Roil Tiluvo corvette launched from a bay on the
Moltok. Crewed by a squadron of azure T'siendral a triumvirate of crimson Gister'dohl,
and another two groups of mixed Regults. The smaller bay opened and the mecha
launched towards the ship. Upon entering through a tear in the hull the Zentraedi
took up defensive positions around the Bioroids. Immediate scans revealed no
life signs. The commanding Gister'dhols constantly reported back to the Moltok.
A few survivors tried in vein to push back the scouting party. A firefight that
sent another score of insurrectionists into the void beyond, dying with their
blood boiling and bodies freezing. It took almost a sentar pass before the team
reached the command deck of the ship. Bodies littered the floor; there would
be no interrogations here.
Part II - Keeping the Peace
"Recall the scout team to the Moltok." Citar ordered as he communicated
with his brothers on what to do next. We need to retake the colony for the safety
of the Empire. The cursed Invid are poised to advance. X'del inputted after
a moment. What madness possessed them to attack us? Loxar added a bit troubled.
The barrier remains erected on the surface; it must be destroyed at once! Citar
finally surmised. AGREED! The trio thought at once. "Move the squadron
over Prime City and open fire!" X'del ordered. "The objective is to
destroy the barrier." Citar followed. "Make preparations for a surface
attack, all Zentraedi forces to the front!" Loxar finished. The clones
on the bridge all complied without response; only the efficient following of
the orders and consequently the perfection of the deployment was proof of acknowledgement.
Hovering in geo-synch orbit over the city the Monitor and Sian Dereta opened
fire first to the target below. The reflex cannons unleashing a blinding volley
below that exploded over the barrier, for a moment it looked as if the barrier
had actually absorbed the dual shots. This soon changed as the green aura around
the city turned fire red and erupted, blinking out and blanketing the city with
radiation. The other ships now blasted away at the city with particle beams
and orbit to surface missiles. The massive bombardment from space leaving Prime
City a raging inferno but still, for the most part, intact. "We have successfully
neutralized the target, what are your commands?" came the uplifted report
from the scanning triumvirate. "Begin landing the occupation forces. Destroy
any resistance, this pathetic attempt to betray and defy the Masters will end
now!" X'del said with more than an arrogant tone, his triumvirate brothers
nodded with a smirk. On the surface Frandlar Tiluvo dropships surrounded Prime
City. The squadrons of Raulonve Fighters escorting the landing craft down easily
destroyed the few surface to air defenses left. Victory was assured and the
pitiful attempt to break free from the Empire was crushed with minimal losses.
Apparently there were sympathizers to the Ci'von, a former colony of Tirol that
betrayed the Masters and attempted to destroy the Empire. These conspirators
infected the Zentraedi with ideals of freedom and liberty to go away from the
Imperative. All such rebellions were thought to be a thing of the past, but
with the Invid War getting more intense, such foolishness was possible. The
Moltok relayed the report on the quelling of the attempted rebellion to Tirol
and was hence commanded to remain in system to re-establish order.
After a few weeks of boredom and uneventful protests the citizens of the planet
Paternia had once again resumed it's place in the Empire. Trading with the outlying
colonies recommenced, however not as great as was expected. Communications were
nearly non-existent with most of the colonies abroad, and some had lost total
contact. The Commanding Triumvirate soon ordered a small reconnaissance team
to the Devool System to investigate why there was a sudden loss of communications.
This team never returned or reported any of its findings to the Moltok. The
situation became worsened as a trade ship entered the Paternian system and reported
that it had barely escaped an Invid attack on the planet Criax-II. The Commanding
Triumvirate immediately sent this urgent message to Tirol, the word from the
Zorrlev'dra Gisterae was to hold position over Paternia and await Zentraedi
reinforcements. This never happened.
Part III - A Piece of an Empire Lost
Shortly after the message was sent to Tirol, the Moltok detected massive gravitational
disruption coming from the fifth planet in the Paternia system. This was obviously
a massive fold and approaching Invid fleet, with the intention of destroying
Paternia and take whatever protoculture was there. "My lords, the squadron
is deployed and ready for attack. All Regults and Queadluun-Rau's are launched."
Came the report from one clone. "We detect a total of 100 Invid Mollusk
Carriers, accompanied by a Trilobite-class Command Frigate." Said another
of the triumvirate. "Mecha has yet to be launched from the carriers. What
are your orders?" finished the third. "Advance the squadron and prepare
to fire the reflex cannons. Inform the Monitor to target the Frigate, we shall
open up on attacking mecha." X'del announced, his two brothers nodding
confidently. Soon enough the main viewer was lit with almost a limitless amount
of targets. "Massive attack has begun. We are detecting Invid Armored scouts
and another mecha of unknown configurations at the vanguard." Citar said
as he read the reports from the front. "Display it at once!" Loxar
commanded and immediately the viewer showed this new Invid mecha. Much larger
than the scouts it was purplish in hue, with what looked to be two plasma pulse
cannons mounted on it's shoulders. The arms ended in a three taloned claw, which
at that moment was ripping open, a female power armor to pieces. "Begin
relaying this information at once to Tirol." X'del ordered as the Invid
mecha decapitated the unfortunate Zentraedi female. "Monitor ready to fire!"
Citar reported as all turned to watch the reflex cannon strike true and disintegrate
the Invid Frigate. "Primary weapon ready to fire!" Loxar announced
with a touch of excitement. "Fire!!!" X'del and Citar said at once.
The shot ranged just around the defending Zentraedi at hit a wave of Invid Scouts,
who were accompanied by the new mecha. All were immediately evaporated; many
more however still pressed on to attack. The battle seemingly was beginning
to favor the Tiroleans. Losses were mounting, but the precision and deadliness
of the Zentraedi was tipping the scales in their favor. This ended quickly as
another fold brought yet another 100 Mollusk Carriers and five more Trilobite
Frigates into the fray. "Invid fold on our flank, prepare to defend against
attack!" X'del yelled as the first wave of mecha had broken the rear defenses.
"Launch all Bioroids and reserve fighters, prepare for ship to ship combat!"
Loxar said as the bridge went orange-red for battle. "Bring us about and
prepare to fire primary weapon on the Frigates, inform the Monitor to do the
same." Citar said, just as the defending Bioroids launched.
They began their death dance with the Invid, blasting away at an almost infinite
number of enemies. Raspy cries of death from the piloting clones could be heard
at various monitoring stations on the bridge, where the mood still remained
impassive and cool, regardless of their impending doom. "Monitor reports
they are under heavy attack from the frigates, reflex cannon not operative."
X'del noted quietly, almost a whisper. "Prepare to offer support, move
to their position he finished. The viewer showed the Monitor indeed in grave
peril, openings in the hull were already visible, and smaller lights revealed
that the Invid had sent mecha to finish off the Zentraedi gunship. "We
have lost 10 ships, ranging from the Quaedol Magdomilla to the remaining Tou
Redir." Loxar reported just as the Moitor took another hit amid ship and
split in two. The fragmented remains falling towards the planet, lighting up
the sky in the eastern hemisphere with a shower of debris. The Moltok now shook
as a volley hit it hard, the viewer went blank for a few seconds and then returned
as soon as auxiliary power was turned on. "Second wave of Invid are now
launching from the second fleet, fifth wave also breaking our lines fighting
against first fleet. Zentraedi reporting heavy casualties and falling back fast."
X'del said over the sound of another explosion that struck near the Sian Dereta.
Outside the valiant efforts of the Bioriods and Zentraedi faltered as the sheer
numbers of Invid began to overwhelm them. Many scouts and Shock Troopers, as
one already deceased Zentraedi called them, broke through the lines and began
assaulting the Zentraedi ships covering the Masters battlefortress. "Prepare
to retreat, pull back all mecha and begin preparations for a fold to Haydon
IV." Citar yelled over a fire that had erupted in the command deck. "It
is the closest point of retreat from here." Loxar agreed. "What is
the status of the reflex cannon?" X'del asked. "It is ready to fire,
however there will not be enough power for a fold if it is used. Damage to the
Moltok is increasing, we suggest an immediate withdrawal from this system."
Came the advice from the Engineering Triumvirate. "The Zentraedi acknowledge
but protest the order to retreat." Citar observed to his brothers quietly.
The Invid pushed forward and began to rip apart the retreating lines, many now
causing irreparable damage to the dwindling number of Zentraedi ships. "Fold
capability in two microns
Bioroid squadrons nearly destroyed, we have lost
five more Zentraedi ships.
The Invid are on final approach towards our position. Frigates moving into position
to attack." X'del informed his brothers, just as the ship shook again from
another barrage. "Invid Troopers have entered the ship! Invid troopers
have entered
" The report was cut off at the source." Repel the
invaders! Leave them wishing they were never berthed!" The Triumvirate
Commanders announced. Mecha to mecha combat within a battlefortress more times
than not resulted in the destruction of said battlefortress. This reality became
true as the Engineering Triumvirate reported that the fold generators had been
the targets of the Invid suicide force. Now the Moltok was helpless and unable
to retreat. Defeat was imminent. We shall not fall silently brothers! Citar
thought to his brethren. Agreed, use the remaining power for the reflex cannon.
X'del continued. And set this vessel to critical mass. Loxar finished.
The battle was over, the few remaining Zentraedi fell back to defend the Moltok.
The Invid pressed on, not knowing that in a few moments many of their numbers
would be decimated. As the Moltok's twin booms parted and began building up
towards it's final attack, Invid began their landing on the recently recaptured
colony. Eradicating the hapless population. As the last of the Zentraedi were
obliterated the Moltok was ready to strike. "Fire reflex cannon!"
The three clone commanders ordered in an almost serene calmness. The Sian Dereta
gave its swan song in a brilliant and devastating blast; thousands of Invid
mecha were wiped from existence, along with a score of Mollusk carriers and
three frigates. "Set Moltok to critical mass, overload the reflex furnaces!"
X'del commanded from his post. "Launch relay probe to Haydon IV."
Citar announced, his voice resigning and surrendering to defeat. "Our deaths
will sow the seed of destruction to our enemies! Long live the three who are
as one!" Loxar proclaimed with finality. The last thing the three saw was
the innumerable Invid horde ripping into the command tower, and soon all embraced
Part IV - Master Plans
Hovering over Tirol, onboard the mothership Kasatsziri the Zorrlev'dra Gisterae
grunted in disgust as the screen faded to black and the relay probe's telemetry
finished displaying the events from the Paternian System. "It is obvious
that we must double our efforts and secure the colonies along the eastern rim."
Kritar concluded. "Yes, but our protoculture supply is not as limitless
as we think it be." Observed the Robotech Master Garug. "Development
of the next generation Bioroid is already underway. Reported the third named
Terrik. "Zor must surrender the secrets of his matrix to us!" Garug
said a bit angered. "Yes, for the preservation of our race! The Elders
agree to this." Terrik said somewhat second handed once the Elders name
was mentioned. "Very well, we will begin forcing more pressure on Zor to
give us the secrets of the Matrix. We have been patient with him for far too
long." Kritar said as the three Masters glided over to where the Zorrlev'dra
Ertulve sat in total silence and apparently oblivious to what was shown to them.
"Elders, we have agreed that the time has come to perhaps wrest the secrets
of the Protoculture Matrix from Zor by any means necessary." Garug stated
as the other two nodded. "NO! If he dies than the salvation for our culture
dies with him! He is not to be harmed!" The Robotech Elders screamed telepathically
to the Masters. Arguing with them had always proven futile. They merely bowed
and left the chambers, a bit vexed. "It matters little what they say, we
will advise Dolza to take Zor's city. He will give us the matrix!" Terrik
said. "Yes, and if anything happens to Zor Derelda he can always be cloned
Kritar said with a smirk. The Robotech Masters permitted themselves a smile
as they continued making plans...
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