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The Second Robotech War had been raging on Earth for nearly two years. On all continents the Masters had in one way or the other affected the lives of every citizen. The Army of the Southern Cross had its lines spread very thin. In some cases the ASC would call in assistance from the Eastern Bloc Soviet Independent States (E.B.S.I.S.) or other feudal governments that had come to power after the departure of the Robotech Expeditionary Force fleet and the SDF-3. The constant battles for the most part were fought around the UEF capital, Monument City. However the second main stage for this ongoing struggle took place far above the ravaged surface of the planet. Control of Earth orbit and the route to Moon Base Aluce-1 and Space Station Liberty were always heavily contended. Captain Monica Suarez sat in her office aboard the Tri Star Battle Cruiser Talon. Her ship was currently on alert status 3. The entire crew was on edge as a combined sense of dread began stirring many conversations. There was word coming down the command chain that Supreme Commander Leonard was preparing to launch a decisive final assault on the Robotech Masters Armada. Her battle group which had originally consisted of two Battle Class Heavy Cruisers, one Banshee Class Destroyer, and three Gremlin Class Guided Missile Destroyers was now down to one Banshee and one Battle Class ships. Her fighter squadrons had also dwindled considerably since the beginning of the war. The head on assaults and forward counter attacks had brought in heavy casualties. Of the 96 AGAC Veritech fighters and 24 Chimera Heavy Space Fighters only 40 AGAC’s remained and 12 Chimeras were still capable of flight.
Captain Suarez, a native of what had once been the country of Chile and former member of the Tactical Armored Space Corps looked at a data pad with a recent update on the Talon’s status. She had short brown hair with golden highlights. Her eyes were an almost emerald green. Standing a modest 5’9 her athletic physique was well toned for a ship’s captain. All weapon systems were fully operational and engines were at maximum capacity. Small consolation she thought to herself when she looked outside her view port to see the not so distant fleet of the Robotech Masters. The Earth forces were outnumbered and outgunned. This was a reality all too familiar to the beleaguered survivors of the Zentraedi holocaust. When the inevitable order came to her from Command to launch and all or nothing attack how would she tell her beloved crew? They had fought and bled with her bravely throughout this war. A fitting end would be complete victory and a parade somewhere back in the Southlands. She sighed as she knew this would not be the case. There had been a brief glimmer of hope that soon vanished when reinforcements from the long gone Pioneer mission failed to arrive. It was up to the Southern Cross to put an end to the alien threat and bring peace to Earth again. Pushing herself away from her desk she stood up and walked over to the view port. Clasping her hands behind her back she watched a group of Logans on patrol fly by the ship. She reflected back in what seemed like the distant past when she was part of the team that test flew those new generation Veritechs. She smiled remembering the constant design flaws she had reported but went ignored. The Southern Cross was in desperate need of a reconfigurable fighter. And for the time the Logan was the best the R & D Department could make. The Valkrie model Veritechs having been retired after the First Robotech War over a decade ago.
With a slight hiss her door slid open and in stepped through a tall dark haired man. His azure eyes were hidden underneath the shadows of the darkened room. He wore a TASC pilot uniform and was adorned by rank and medals as a Lieutenant Commander. He was only slightly taller than Captain Suarez with smooth features marking his rather exhausted looking face. With a brisk salute he stood at attention. “Lt. Commander Johnson reporting as ordered Captain.” He said in a perfect military tone. Monica shook her head and walked over to stand close in front of him. “Have you ever bothered to remember to chime in before just barging into my office Lieutenant?” she asked scolding him. Without a reply the TASC pilot wrapped his arms around Monica and pulled her close to him. Their lips meeting in a brief but intense kiss, Monica pushed off gently and laughed. “Alex you’re such a goof!” Alex winked at her and let his hands slide off her. “Ten hours of patrolling and that’s the welcome I get!? I’ll have to file a complaint with General Emerson.” He said walking over to sit on a couch that rest underneath a flag of the Army of the Southern Cross.
Monica eyed him and followed, plopping herself down next to him she let her head fall on his shoulder and sighed. “Alex the war will be ending soon.” She started. He let his head rest on hers and ran his hand over her curled locks. “Monica we knew one day it would come to this. This war is so different than the one our parent’s fought.” He began. “The Robotech Masters created the Zentraedi. They were a tough enemy since day one.” Monica shook her head negatively. “Alex, I think Leonard is going to send an all out frontal assault on the Armada. No retreat.” She said as Alex’s eyes widened a bit. “I just received a message from Emerson’s Chief of Staff pretty much detailing future maneuvers and changes to the fleet.” Alex, an ace pilot of the TASC, commanding the 323rd Wing, or as they called themselves, the Gargoyles, knew that what little hopes he still had for a long life with Monica after the war was now nearly a mute point. He had grown up also in the Southlands. Luckily his home country Colombia, had been along with Brazil one of the first to recuperate ecologically from the razing of Earth that destroyed over 70% of the surface. “So much for a house on in a valley tending to grapes & wine…” he thought.
“Monica you know I will fight till the bitter end to protect the Talon, Earth and you…we’re ready to fly at your command.” He said to her gently kissing her forehead. “Oh Alex, I love you so much…I don’t ever want to lose you!” she replied locking her fingers with his. Alex laughed and said. “If I have to fight my way through one hundred Bioroids I’ll make it back to you!” She laughed and stood up again, winking at her lover playfully. “Well Lieutenant Commander you said you had been on patrol for the last ten hours. I assume you have something to report?” she said returning her tone to the complete commanding officer authority. Alex nodded and cleared his throat. He reached for a bottle of cool water and served himself a glass. “Yes Captain. By your command we took the Gargoyles out to that strange Nebula for a closer look.” He started taking a long sip of water, emptying the glass completely. “What did you find?” Monica asked returning behind her desk and sitting down, her eyes not leaving Alex’s. “Aside from nearly frying all of our sensor readings we only were able to determine that it’s just a random space anomaly. Except for one thing…we all found it odd.” Monica raised and eyebrow as Alex stood up and walked over to her desk, taking a seat in front of her.
“Our Protoculture levels seemed to have spiked and then drop to next to nothing and then back to normal.” He said. “Equipment malfunction?” she asked curiously. Alex shook his head. “No Monica, the entire squadron experienced the same thing, plus our escort Assault Shuttle did as well. The equipment has been checked thrice to be sure.” He replied gravely. “I don’t like the sound of that Alex…there is something not right about that Nebula. It was clear during the last attack since it arrived the Masters won’t as much as look at it.” Monica said stating her fears. Before either could speak anymore the ship’s alarms and klaxons began sounding off. “Alert! Alert! This is not a drill. Bioroid attack force attempting to break lunar orbit. All pilots to their fighters!” a female tech’s voice announced from the bridge. Alex and Monica exchanged knowing glances and nodded. The Veritech pilot quickly saluted and ran out of Monica’s office and to the hanger bays where his AGAC waited for him. Monica keyed in to the bridge. “I’ll be up there shortly, I want a full status report upon my arrival.” Looking out again to her view port, already seeing the streaks of the defending AGAC’s take flight and just a bit further away brighter flashes that seemed like mini novas. The attack had begun…
Alex made it to the hanger in less than two minutes. Pilots and flight crews running to and from in an organized chaos that was a hot scramble. AGAC engines were coming alive as the first attack wings took to space. The Talon was in low orbit in geo synch over Aluce-1. This made his comrades and squadron the first to engage the enemy. Securing the last fastener of his body armor he pulled his long back hair to the side as he slid his flight helmet over his head. At once the environmental system kicked in and he began breathing air through the recycled vents. He heard over the tactical net the battle orders being broadcasted and launch orders for the squadrons being called down from the bridge. Still running he saw his Veritech being relieved of various power cables and fuel lines. The Hammerhead missiles were also now secure within their launch pods as he climbed up the ladder into the cockpit. A tech saluted and said, “Happy hunting Lieutenant.” The canopy descended and sealed itself securely. The same tech soon started motioning towards the launch tube. Three Hovertanks roared past him. They were surely going to be taking positions along the hull of the Talon. This was a new tactic being used to help ships fight off the highly maneuverable Bioroids. “Squadron 323 you’re cleared for launch to sector omega 3L. Rendezvous with squadrons 515 and 679 and prepare to counterattack.” Monica ordered over the tac-net. Alex brought his AGAC about and aimed it towards the exit. “Gargoyles, lets light em’ up!” he said throwing his Veritech full thrust and exploded out into space. Two by two his squadron emerged from the belly of the Talon. They formed up quickly and headed towards their appointed area.
Space was filled with streams of laser light, trailing missiles, ion bursts and explosions. While small in comparison to previous attack forces, this group of ships was pounding the outer rim defenses hard. His screen lit up with hostile targets. Looks like at least two divisions of Bioroids were spearheading the attack. Identifications started coming up, and he cursed as he saw the signatures of the newest enemy weapon. Codenamed “Lotus” these Bioroids worked in groups of three. Faster, deadlier and infinitely more accurate, these Bioroids were wreaking havoc against the Earth forces. “Look alive boys and girls, coming up to make an attack run. Stay in formation and prepare to engage.” He ordered over the tac-net. A pair of Tirolian gunships was circling the outside perimeter of their approach vector. Alex saw his first opportunity to help. “Gargoyles 5 and 7 stay with me, 3, 6 and 4 take out that gunship making a run on that Banshee. The rest of you watch our flank.” His squadron complied and executed his orders perfectly. Gripping tightly on the controls of his fighter he was greeted by covering fire from the gunship. Particles beams atomized Gargoyle 5 as Alex broke left and returned fire onto the ship. His lasers struck true and pierced the armor of the gunship. His AGAC cut through the now heavy fire coming from the gunship, every once in a while he leveled off to return the favor. Sadly his and Gargoyle 7’s efforts weren’t doing much damage. “Alright come around and prepare for another pass, standby to switch to Battloid mode.” He said as he launched three Hammerhead missiles towards the twin particle beam cannons that had destroyed Gargoyle 5. The two AGAC’s screamed through space as they used their considerable maneuverability to spin around fast and burst back towards the gunship. “Bioroids coming in from grid 9!” Came the panicked cry from Gargoyle 10. Alex looked at his display briefly to see that they were going to be in big trouble soon. “Standby to regroup, Ten, try and keep those bastards off of us so we can get that Banshee out of trouble.” The ace ordered. His response was a double click from the tac-net.
The Banshee was in bad shape. Her hull was opened in many spots and it was losing atmosphere fast. “Alright Seven, we got a job to do!” the two AGAC’s started opening fire on the gunship. They fired more missiles at it, this time scoring a deadly hit that ripped open the ship’s armor and hull. A pair of clones seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time for they were ejected into the vacuum. Not wasting a moment to celebrate Alex switched to Battloid mode, only pausing his shots to finish the transformation. His wingmate followed suit and the two were now heading straight for the crippled gunship. “Get on the hull, and fire at will!!!” he commanded. Both Battloids ran up and down the spine of the gunship that was now immobile. Critically damaging the weapon systems, effectively eliminating the threat this gunship posed. “Good work Ten, lets….” Alex never finished as a barrage of ion blasts destroyed Gargoyle 10 and sent his Battloid careening off into space. Apparently a group of Bioroids had slipped past the screen the other Gargoyles had put up and been swift to defend the damaged gunship. The azure mecha soon came about on their hoversleds to finish off the human target. Alex quickly ignited his thrusters and brought the battloid back under control. He turned just in time to see the three Bioroids closing in on him. Pushing his mecha forward he launched three missiles at his attackers. Switching back to fighter mode as all three scored direct hits on the lead Bioroid. The alien mecha exploded into a fireball of debris and energy. Alex didn’t have time to enjoy his good fortune. The two surviving Bioroids came at him ion blasters firing over and over again. The ace pilot twisted and corkscrewed through the attack and returned fire, taking a hoversled from underneath one Bioroid while completely missing the second. Cursing he followed the surviving mecha with a keen eye. “Gargoyles regroup and follow me to that last gunship.” He ordered baiting his pursuer to get in range of the Banshee’s weapons.
Captain Monica Suarez was frowning as she followed the tactical reports from the attack. She considered herself a student of tactics. Feints and fades were her preferable method of naval combat. Clearly what was happening here was a feint. The Robotech Masters were probing them. Trying to lure the Earth fleet from the Moon into open combat “Captain, we have squads 12 through 23 reporting heavy casualties.” Monica’s XO reported. She was a British female that was pushing the young age of 23, her sharp figures hiding a history of naval heritage. The Talon trembled as it was struck by particle beams from the lead Master’s attack vessel. “Hard to port!!! Fire all missiles at my mark!” Monica cried out over the secondary explosions that continued to shake the bridge. The Tri Star lurched as it turned its stern away from the attacking ship, the side missile bays opening in preparation to fire. Monica had been Captain for a relatively short time, but these times were trying and she excelled in the challenge. “Clear our Veritechs out and fire the Spacelords!!!” The order was given and she saw the squadrons of Veritechs broke formation and opened up the area for the missile strike.
Satisfied she gave the order and the entire port side erupted with fire as the Spacelord missiles launched themselves to the approaching ship. They spun around and closed into the proximity of the Master’s destroyer. The alien ship fired anti-missile lasers at the onslaught of Terran attack. It proved to be a futile attempt at saving itself from destruction. Over three-quarters of the missiles launched hit their targets. Explosions started bubbling throughout the dying ship. Secondary explosions began to overtake the capital ship as precious atmosphere escaped into space. Bioroid squadrons turned back towards their flagship in a vain attempt at rescue. With a brilliant flash she broke in two and exploded. Sending a shockwave that obliterated anything within is blast range. The Talon’s bridge crew erupted in cheers at their success. Monica smiled for a moment then returned to her duty. “It’s not over yet...status report!” she commanded walking over to the operations station. “Bioroid squadron regrouping but withdrawing Captain.” Reported the tech sitting at the station, the bridge’s lights went from deep orange to red as the attacking mecha were pulling away. Monica looked at the screen and nodded with a smirk. “Should we pursue Captain?” asked her XO. “No, reform and return to our original orbit, return all Veritechs to the fleet.” She answered to the surprised look of the XO. “Where my orders not clear enough Commander?” Suarez said raising an eyebrow. “Crystal clear Captain!” the seemingly bothered First Officer replied. Monica took note of her and would defiantly speak to her after this battle was over.
Alex and his remaining AGAC’s were darting all over space, taking out retreating Bioroids at will. “It’s a turkey shoot boys, full pursuit! Let’s send em packing!” he exclaimed firing his last missiles at a solo Invid Fighter Bioroid. He barely was able to understand the encoded command coming over the tac-net. “Fall back!? Why!?” came in the curious call from Gargoyle 2. “Zip your lip Corporal!” Alex said. “All fighters form up on my wing and prepare to return back to the Talon. This scrap is over for now…” he finished bringing his AGAC up and over in a semi circle back towards the Southern Cross fleet. Though their numbers dwindled slightly the beleaguered TASC pilots were happy with the success of this battle. Alex suspected that something else had been there for a withdrawal to be ordered. Debris from the recent battle littered the area. Some rescue ships had already been launched and were retrieving the pilots who were lucky enough to survive in space. The tac-net was still full of orders and cries from the wounded. Alex brought his squadron in for docking. “Squadron 323 requesting permission to return home.” He asked noting the damage the Tri Star had received in this battle. The front rail guns were crippled, and it looked as if the aft batteries were gone. Repair crews were already out in environmental suits trying to get everything back in order. “Squadron 323 you are cleared to dock, welcome back Gargoyles!” the bridge officer said happily. “Copy that Talon, we’re coming in…” Alex said leveling off his fighter and docking inside the Tri Star. His mind far from being at ease, the overwhelming sense of disaster rising up inside him just as the Earth rose over the surface of the moon...
At the center of the United Earth’s capital of Monument City stood the tall multi-speared Headquarters of the Army of the Southern Cross. It had seen an increased amount of activity in recent weeks. The war with the Robotech Masters was soon reaching a bursting point. Many of the officers and soldiers felt the coup de grace was just over the horizon. In the highest office of the building was the large office that was where Supreme Commander Leonard sat behind his desk now listening to the report from the latest battle in space. A young man of regular height and of high ambitions had been the unfortunate one to read the news. Leonard gritted his teeth as he heard the strong yet trembling voice.
”Fleet was able to repel the assault and rout the enemy with only minimal losses. However, the order was given to fall back and not pursue the retreating Robotech forces.” He finished and closed his eyes briefly just awaiting the explosion Leonard was sure to ignite. Instead the Supreme Commander nodded and eased himself out of his chair and stood up. He was a large man, of rather intimidating features. Scars dotted his body from the years he spent fighting malcontent Zentraedi in the Southlands, birthplace of the Southern Cross. He fixed his brown highly decorated uniform and clasped his hands behind his back and walked over to the window which dominated the entire western wall of his office. There his bald head shined against the glare of the sun, Monument City below him just awaking and starting the day.
“Who was in command of the Fleet in that sector?” Leonard asked quietly. As the young man was about to start, Leonard’s chief aide held the eager officer and shook his head before he spoke. “Captain Monica Suarez of the Talon, sir.” Leonard didn’t flinch as he said in a serious tone. “Have her group consolidate with Emerson’s at once.” It was no small secret to anyone in Command that Emerson had fallen heavily out of favor with Leonard. Their feud on policy and tactics had lead to what many thought a schism at the very top of the chain of command. Anatole Leonard while respecting Rolf Emerson and knowing that his loyalty to the UEG was unfaltering still resented his ideals, and any who seemed to have similar traits more times then not ended up on the same boat. Many of Emerson’s troops had spear headed the frontal assaults that did little more than drain the resources of the Robotech Masters. Now it seemed that Suarez’s group would join the ranks. Leonard turned away from the cityscape and looked at the small cadre of officers in front of him. “This war is almost over my friends. Victory is close within our grasp. Do not waiver your faith in our men. We defeated the Zentraedi, and now these Robotech Masters wish to take our homeworld…they too will fail.” He said with a brisk smile. Those present nodded and commented their agreement, but quietly thinking that boast seemed far from the truth.
Far above in the silence of space two fleets stood poised at each other, bracing for the inevitable clash that would determine the fate of an empire or the survival of the human race. The Robotech Masters now desperate to regain the lost Protoculture Matrix was preparing for their final assault on Earth. The Invid were coming that much was certain to them. The arrival of the Sensor Nebula heralded the impending doom of the horde. Time for tactics was finished. Their scientific research on the human race was over. It was now simple, recapture the Matrix and reclaim their empire or die a slow death, the death given by the lack of protoculture. It was an easy decision to make. Earth had little left to do except prepare for the end game.
On board the Tri-star Talon, deep within its bowels, the 323rd Flight Wing were having a meeting. Lt. Commander Johnson looked to his squadron with a slight sigh. No longer did they have that shine and adventurous look they had when they had graduated from the Robotech Academy. Their numbers had been cut in half during this war. Death had matured these young men and women beyond their years. With no end in sight there was not a single person sitting there that had high hopes for victory. Still their resolve did not waiver, growing up in the post Zentraedi Holocaust world had changed humanity forever. These soldiers grew up in a world that seemed more feudal than united. This hardship they faced was small compared to that of what was surely to come. Johnson nodded as he noted everyone was seated and waiting for the briefing to begin.
“The last attack proved to be a feint, just as we thought. However this morning's intel shows that the enemy fleet is moving forward.” A screen to Johnson’s right turned on and displayed the enemy fleet as red dots. In between that fleet stood half of the Southern Cross armada and the Moon. Earth however, hovered dangerously close to the Master’s fleet. Johnson pointed out how Southern Cross planned to counter this move when his wingmate raised his hand. “How many ships are moving.” He asked. Johnson shut off the monitor and sighed. “All of them…” There was a collective gasp as the gravity of that statement sunk in. As soon as murmurings began Johnson brought the briefing back in order. “Calm down ladies and gents. We all agree to understand that this move will inevitably be a massive attack by the entire Robotech Masters fleet. We all know what it means.” He began as he walked around the podium and to the front of the audience. “We all took an oath to defend our homeworld from any threat. Defend it to the last person if need be. Now it seems we are being called to make true to this oath.” Alex saw the doubt, the eyes of despair start to form on his comrades in arms. “You’ve all done above and beyond anything ever recorded to keep humanity survive over incredible odds. It is an honor to serve with all of you, and my plans are to continue this with you all no matter what fate has in store for us.” Alex was so intense with his gaze over each and every one of the pilots in attendance he didn’t notice Monica at the door to the ready room standing there with a proud smile on her slender face. “When the order comes to fight, I know I can trust all of you with my life. I know that should I fall in battle we will still win and we’ll still beat back these so called Robotech Masters all the way back to whatever rock they came from!” Already grins and courage were rising amongst the pilots as they dwelled on the slim chance of victory. “Our Earth is our home. These aliens want to take that from us. That can never happen my friends! We must triumph! We will triumph!” he finished as those present stood up to cheer and clap. Their looks now hungry and ready for battle.
Alex dismissed them all with strict orders to get some rest and to make sure to contact anyone planet side. Monica walked up to him and kissed him on the lips for a second. “You demand so much respect from your pilots Alex.” She started. “Only because I have a Captain and crew worth fighting for” he replied as they walked out of the ready room. They walked closely together through the decks of the Talon. Techs and crewman checking each area of the ship to assure absolute peak performance. They walked close enough to not go over protocol, but with the crew of the Talon such a tight knit group no one minded the Captain and Flight Leader were together. As they entered Monica’s quarters Alex smiled as he saw a candlelit dinner awaited them. A bottle of Chilean wine with two glasses also made him feel slightly as if there wasn’t an interstellar war being fought just outside the Moon’s orbit. The two sat and started eating. Salmon steak and an assortment of vegetables. Alex teased that Monica had stashed all the good food for herself. They talked about what the future could hold for them once the war was over. Plans that were so perfectly laid out they almost had all their days planned ahead. After the bottle of wine they skipped desert and went to bed where they made love. Passion ignited their desires and the world was soon oblivious to them. That is of coarse until Monica’s com beeped. With a groan she rolled over and opened the channel. “There better be a Bioroid squadron tearing through the bridge…” she started. “I’m sorry Captain but I have General Emerson on the line. He wishes to speak with you.” Reported her XO. Monica cleared her throat and nodded. “Understood, patch him through to here. Alex got up and walked over in search of another glass of wine frowning as only one drop fell into his glass he grumbled and went back to bed. Monica slipped on a gown and went to her desk. She failed in getting her hair fixed before she gave the go ahead to patch the General through. Monica’s display screen flickered on and there sat General Rolf Emerson.
Monica never denied her admiration for the man who she considered to be the perfect soldier in these crazy times. That was kind of respect she emulated among her own crew. Emerson smiled as he started. ”Forgive me for waking you at this late hour Captain.” Monica knowing full well that Emerson could call at anytime without need to apologize yet the simple recognition of other’s obvious lives was just another example of Emerson’s compassion. “It is quite alright General. How can I help you?” she asked not really knowing what else to say. She could recall barely a handful of times the General had called on her personally. “Orders were just sent up to me that I felt compelled to share with you at once.” He began. “As of 0600 your battle group is to consolidate with my 6th division. Sub command of the Talon and your remaining ships is still yours, however I will personally being directing you in battle from this point on Captain.” He finished letting her absorb this newest set of orders. Alex having heard this stood up from bed and tossed on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Monica finally answered with a smile. “Understood General, it will be an honor to serve directly under you. I promise not to disappoint you.” Emerson smiled back. “I know you’ve performed exceptionally Captain, and that your addition to my group will surely make our force formidable indeed. I will relay to your XO the details and expect to see you at 0600 for briefing.” He said as Monica blushed slightly. “Thank you sir!” Emerson nodded and saluted. “Good night Captain, Emerson out.” Monica returned her salute feeling awkward that she was just in a night gown. “Good night.” The communication closed and Monica sat back in her chair as Alex came around and looked at her with a curious glance. “We’re directly under Emerson’s command now Alex.” She said her eyes meeting his stare. “Looks like you’ve just been promoted then, congratulations!” he replied with a mocking salute. Monica didn’t agree with that assumption but smiled and walked back to bed, beckoning Alex to follow. “Come on flyboy lets get some rest. Something tells me we’re gonna need it!.”
Earth, Fokker Base, the sky was fast filling with fire and smoke. The ground shook violently as what seemed to be an artficially created earthquake struck. Multiple launches from the base announced a massive offensive was soon to begin. Tri-stars, Banshee’s and other capital ships broke the morning horizon en route to rendezvous with the fleet in orbit. Pilots were rushing to their fighters. Patrols on the ground were now very visible in Monument City and other cities in North America. Hovertanks rode along side battloid robots taking positions in key areas of interest. Ground troops in full battle armor dug in and prepared for battle. Some civilians had already either started moving towards shelters or had decided to leave their cities completely behind. There was a hushed frenzy inside the HQ of the Southern Cross as the order by General Leonard was finally given. He was going to launch the grandest offensive seen yet in the Second Robotech War. One that could only prove which race could survive this conflict. Logans and other terrestrial fighters flew cover until the capital ships broke into outer space. AGAC fighters linked up and escorted the new arrivals to the fleet. So precise and rapid was the execution of this launch that it surprised even those in command in space above.
Monica had just finished tucking her uniform into place when the call came. Alex had already left. He had left her after holding each other for a long moment. Promising that no matter what happened that day they vowed to hold one another again soon. “Captain Suarez, we're receiving com from a massive launch from Earth. It looks like the entire fleet is being assembled.” The always passive XO reported in an obviously nervous tone. “OK, I’ll be right up.” She said looking once more outside her viewport at ships around hers. Sighing as she saw the war outside and then the peace she had last night at dinner with Alex where the table still had empty plates and glasses. “Oh Alex I hope we can have that again…” she thought as she left her room.
The crew of the Talon was in great form however, like a fine tuned instrument of war they went about frantically adjusting to the new chain of command and now the new force coming from Earth. Soon the battle would begin and they all knew it. The Gargoyles were already suited up and waiting patiently by their mecha for the launch order to be given. Friends and comrades embraced ever so briefly when time permitted. It was all or nothing.
The Robotech Masters ever so vigilant over Terran maneuvers were not surprised at all by this latest offensive. They had grown accustomed to what they considered primitive tactics. Time and again they had proved the superior in this war, yet this time it was apparent by the sheer volume of ships arrayed against them that this battle was going to be different. To the Earth’s benefit, the supply of protoculture on the Master’s armada was near exhaustion. Still they too were planning to go beyond the norm and slip into despair with new tactics that let those clones understand that the final battle had come. The Armada moved in as well, an angry bird of prey seeking food for its insatiable hunger for war.
Emerson after having been briefed personally by Leonard as to the way this battle was to be fought acknowledged them and spread the order to launch and link up with Leonard’s forces. He stood on the bridge of his ship hearing and seeing reports of the fleet. Satisfied with the perfection and bravery that the Southern Cross launched once more into the abyss without anything less then valor. He took note of the Talon as it linked up with the 6th wing and blasted towards the merging fleet. An aide asked if he would be watching the battle from here and he shook his head. “Prepare the ship for launch.” He replied, surprising those around only for a moment. When that passed all knew that this was the caliber of soldier they served under, brave and fearless. “I don’t plan on watching this battle from the sidelines, we'll do all we can to defeat the enemy.” He said as the entire bridge crew saluted him with honor.
The entire fleet took note immediately that Emerson’s Tri-star had launched from it’s berth on Moon Base Aluce. Every single ship captain welled with pride, including Monica Suarez aboard the Talon. “Captain, we are to launch fighters and prepare to move in on the first wave of the offensive.” Her XO said handing her the launch orders. She nodded and bit her lip briefly recalling Alex’s smile, holding that image in her mind. “All AGAC's launch! Hovertanks to your positions, we are go for battle!” she said over the entire ship. “You are all heroes already! Make me proud!”
In seconds the Veritech fighters scrambled and were in space. The massive amount of mecha impressed even the most veteran soldiers. Alex brought the Gargoyles in to link up with another TASC unit he had never served with but that didn’t stop the efficiency in which they executed their maneuvers. All involved knew what was at stake.The two Robotech fleets drew closer, already in range of long ranged weapons. Orders were given and the first volley was launched. ”Launch all forward Spacelord missiles, empty rack then turn right 80 degrees! Stand by for port batteries!” Monica commanded taking a seat in her chair. The Tri-star shook slightly as the missiles launched. Along with the Talon about a score more of capital ships around her launched missiles as well. The smoke trails left behind spun wildly as they approached their alien targets ahead. The Masters returned fire from particle cannons as their launch bays emptied out the impossible number of Bioroids and Transports. The final battle was underway, the death dance where there could be only one victor was starting. From down below some Master’s dropships had already broken the atmosphere, ready to reign destruction down on a ravaged Earth...
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